Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Don't judge Mrs. Regan...

Lately I've been reading a book called "Vivian Rising" by Daniella Brodsky. And yes, I was in the bookstore and was distracted by the fact that a book had my name on it. And yes, that's why I picked it up and read the back. BUT. I was also legitimately intrigued, so haters can be quiet.

The book is about a girl named Vivian (or Viv, as she likes to be called by everyone (I just like to be called Viv by my close friends, by the way.)) whose grandma has just died. Viv was raised by her grandma and they were like two peas in a pod. In the beginning of the book, Viv loses her faith in pretty much everything, until something incredibly unexpected happens (dun dun dunnnn). While she was previously skeptical of astrology and horoscopes, Viv gets a reading done by a woman named Kavia, who tells Viv to avoid taking the train home that day. She does as she is told, and the next day, she wakes up to find that the train that she would have taken crashed and the train car that she normally rode in was completely destroyed. Viv is now hooked and, though she tries to suppress her astrological urges, consults her horoscope more and more.

I'm about halfway through this book, and so far, I really like it. I, for one, have always believed in horoscopes and they are generally the first thing I turn to when I pick up my copy of Seventeen Magazine. Some people (my mother) say that horoscopes are either wrong or just coincidental. However, whenever I read my horoscope, it usually fits me pretty well. Or is it just that I make it fit me? Here is where the doubt to my "faith" comes in, because I do this with songs and books and movies too; I recognize similarities between the song/book/movie and my life, and then I start to take advice from said song/book/movie. This sounds pretty odd, but even as I was reading "Vivian Rising," I was thinking, "hmm, her name is Vivian, she is kind of similar to me, her situation is kind of like mine..." and I take notice of what she does. So far, I don't think I have actually consciously followed "advice" gleaned from a song/book/movie, but that's definitely the way I listen to/read/watch them; always on the look out for parallels.

While this might influence my relationship with horoscopes a little, I don't think it has that much of an effect. I actually do believe in horoscopes and astrology and stuff, and I'm always curious to learn more about it. I think it's interesting to see what zodiac signs people are supposed to get along with, and what the character traits of the different signs are. Don't think I'm a crazy; Mrs. Regan did it.

ps. I'm a cancer. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Soccer Season!!!

Fall and Spring are by far my favorite seasons, because the weather is moderate. Winter is cute and snowy for a few weeks, but by the end of it, all I want to do is stay in bed all day. Summer is nice because there's no school and you can go swimming, but it's just too hot. During Fall, the weather cools down and the leaves change colors, and it's all beautiful and calm. School starts and you get to see all of your friends again, and the homework load isn't too heavy yet. However, I've got to say that Spring is my favorite season, because it's girls' soccer season.

I love soccer. While I'd like to think I've got a little bit of skill with regards to the sport, I'm in no way as good as some people. But, this doesn't really bother me. If I make a mistake in a game or at practice, initially I'll be a little frustrated with myself, but after a while, the frustration will fade, and I'll remember how much fun I'm having. I definitely believe that soccer is one of those sports (at least in a Uni context) where you don't really have to be good; you'll have a great time regardless.

Soccer involves a lot of running, and if you know me well, you'll know how much I despise running. But during soccer, I could run forever. If I've got a ball in front of my feet and I'm dribbling down the field, or if I'm trying to get open for someone to pass me the ball, I'll be all over the place, and I'll run anywhere. I'm a left-midfielder in soccer because I'm left-footed (I'm also left-handed). Since the majority playing are right-handed and therefore (most of the time) right-footed, the ball tends to stay on the right side of the field for a lot of the game. So, if you watch me in a game, you'll see me keeping level with the play, running up and down the left side of the field, back and forth, waiting for a cross of some sort. This ends up being a ton of running, and I'm always exhausted at the end of games, but during the game, I'm so engrossed in watching the play and paying attention and creating options that I don't even notice that I'm moving.

One of the absolute best things about soccer season, though, is the weather. Illinois Winter is enough to drive anyone crazy, and Illinois Winter plus Uni homework plus sleep deprivation really does make me want to sleep all day. But once soccer starts, you know things are going to get better. You get a study hall, which helps with homework, and you also have less time in the afternoons to dilly dally. When you get home from practice, you know you have to do your homework pretty much immediately, and it's nice to have a little more motivation. But it's not like you're wasting two hours of your afternoon either; you're getting to play the best sport ever and hang out with some really cool people. AND not only are all of these things awesome about soccer, but once you get to start practicing outside, the world seems like a much happier place. You're exercising, which I know makes me feel better, and the weather is cool and a little windy, and the grass is starting to get green. It always smells nice outside, like wet grass and Spring, and fried foods from the dining hall at PAR/FAR. Yes. Soccer is a great time.